
APRIL 20th, 2024

Global Credit Union Arena

Life is a series of next steps. Often, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of familiarity and the unknown. To venture into uncharted territory is to encounter new challenges, opportunities, and potential risks. 

This is what TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity is all about- new ideas that bring up potentials. Uncharted Territory refers to stepping outside of one's comfort zone and venturing into unfamiliar areas of growth, self-discovery, and personal transformation. It represents a willingness to explore new aspects of yourself, take risks, and embrace the unknown in order to expand your capabilities and potential.

Let’s step into Uncharted Territory together. 

A TEDx event meticulously orchestrated by student leaders who are experts in their respective fields, TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity is the largest TEDx event in the state of Arizona, and an experience like no other.

This event aims to unite the broader Phoenix community, serving as a catalyst for individuals to share their innovative ideas worth spreading. Year after year, our commitment to achieving a more refined and impactful outcome remains unwavering. We prioritize innovation, continual learning, and forward momentum to ensure sustained growth and success.

Who Are We?

“TEDx is a platform that awakens the world to fresh ideas that otherwise may be unknown."

Talks & Performances from TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity 2023

Support Our Mission!

TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with the mission of being a catalyst for spreading ideas that change our city and our world. We are an all-volunteer run organization that is funded by local companies, organizations, sponsors and individual donors.

By partnering with TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity, you help us foster innovation and collaboration throughout our community. We could not do this without you!